Friday, November 9, 2007

My Dum Dum

I and my girlfriend, we have been boyfriend and girlfriend around 8 months and this 12 Monday is our 9 months. At first, we were friends. In my opinion, when I saw her at the first time , she was kind of normal girl , not interesting anymore and her skin is kind of black. I first talked to her when we were back from the freshy camp when we were in the first year. She was drunk so much and everybody called her “Lum Yong” which is mean a drinking girl. I knew her after that but anyway I did not know her real name, I just knew only she is a drinking girl and I called her “Lum Yong” too. I did not talk with her so much. Surprisingly, one of my close friend, Jo. He fell in love the one girl, Pim. She was selected to be the Princess of the faculty and my girlfriend ,she was the close friend of Pim. From this time she started to talk each other much more than ever, I found out that she was kind of cheerful girl, and when I talked with her, I felt good and wanted to with her again and wanted to know her more and finally, I knew her real name, her name is “Mod”. I still remember, one morning my friend, he got a problem and he was at the police station. He called me and he wanted friends to be with him but nobody free for this, also Jo. So I decided ask Pim to go with me and she agree to go with me. And Mod came with Pim too. On that day we had lunch together and it was the first time. I thought she also had kind of good feeling with me too and Pim also help me about Mod too. I asked her for a phone number and she gave me. After that we had talked each other on the phone also. I remember we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend on 12 February. In our time since then there are so many things happen both good and bad. On every 12 of the months, we would spend time together and make it special. For me, I like to go to Suwanapoom airport. I think it is the great place, peaceful and romantic to drive together with someone I love along the way. I am happy that my girlfriend like to go the airport the same as me, we choose to go to that place instead of going to the Pub and hanging together like others. So many time we are not understand each other, but every time I think we are not gonna break up. She is kind of angry girl, sometime she doesn’t understand me, she always think that I don’t care her and the funny thing is she always says that I was gay because I and Jo are too close. Between our relationship, we try to be not only boyfriend and girlfriend but also sister and brother or friends. I think it helps us to be more comfortable. I know, I am not good at study but she is, so about the study she will help me a lot. But for my girlfriend, I think she is like a kid, always do what she wants and doesn’t care anybody much. So sometime I feel that I lead her for this. As I tell you that her skin is kind of black so I call her “Dum Dum”. I really love this feeling and I really love to be with her like this.

My weekend

I had a lot of things to do on my weekend. On Saturday, normally I would woke up around 2 Pm. But this Saturday I woke up around 1o o’clock because my father woke me up, then he asked me “Why don’t you wear a T-shirt?” That was the first question of my day! I was so bored about this. I really did not understand my parent why they’re always wake me up so early. I have no sister and brother, so I will always spend my time with my friends. After I woke up, I took a shower and had breakfast with my parent. I called my friend, Park. He is my close friend. We are from the school , and also same university but different faculty. He is study in the school of Arts. I call him and we decided to go to “Khong Tom” it is the market near my house, there are a lot of shops but most of them are CD. Shop and the second hand shop. I love to go to this market, I always buy CD. From this market because it cheap, one movie is just only 60 bath. And the special thing is I could get the movie as fast as it is in the cinema. By now I had a small business, I buy the movies from that Market and sell them to my friends again, I sell 80 bath so I get the profit from this. Most of CD. Movie is around 100 bath up, if it is a copied CD. I like cartoon, I have a lot of cartoon movies. And I like to go to the second hand shop. I and my friend, Park went to Khong Tom and brought the movies. After that we went to the Pub of my senior. He just open it and this is the first day this Pub. And then I got a small job again, the owner of this Pub hired me to make a menu for him. For me if I want to hanging out with my friends , I will always choose to drinking at the chilling bar, instead of Pub. I don’t like to dance, actually I can’t dance very well and I don’t like the enviroment in the Pub that full of people, too loud, too dark and too smoke. I love to sit around the table with my friends, talking together, listen to the music and drinking. But my problem is my parent don’t want me to drink, they are always too worry about me so I have to lie to them always if I want to hanging with my friends. Also on this Saturday, I lied to my parent that I just went out with my friend. I know it is not good but it is just the only one way to make them rely on me. I back home around 10.30 , I think it was one of my wonderful Saturday. On Sunday, I went to the church in the morning and then I went to the book shop at Siam Square. Around noon, my father called me, he told me about the new restaurant he had just known from the Tv. So he wanted me to back home around 4 Pm. So that we could have dinner together. Then I thought, if it is the new restaurant where we never go before ,it would take time around 2 or 3 hours to get there because my father always lose the way and he is always drive so slow. Finally we had dinner around 7 Pm. And this is all my weekend.